Auction to Support
the Arc of Appalachia’s
2024-2025 Land Campaign

On Sunday, September 15, the auction gavel will fall on the sale of this magnificent wood carving created by artist Doug White. The final bidding will take place just before lunch at our 2024 Sept. 15 Donor Gathering at Tremper Mound when the bidder will be invited to defend his or her bid, and bidding will be open to everyone in attendance.

The carving features two Pileated Woodpeckers. Pileated Woodpeckers love large stands of mature forest, and are iconic representations of what the Arc of Appalachia is working to protect and sustain. This wall hanging art piece is true to life size and of museum quality.

Thanks to Doug's talent and generosity, 100% of the proceeds from the auction of this beautiful art piece will go to our fall land campaign. Doug's vision is to turn his artistry into the living art of LAND. You can help make his dream come true! Simply raise the bid by filling out the form below. This website will be manually updated daily, or as often as needed to provide information on the sale.

Current Bid Price: $750.00

*Bid increments of $100.00

A native of Cincinnati, Doug White possesses a masterful blend of skills. He is the consummate naturalist and woodcarver. He loves to capture in native hardwoods the beauty of our native wildlife in their natural settings. His attention to detail is extraordinary.